
Personal Injury

Your Legal Duty to Remove Snow and Ice from Vehicles Article

Your Legal Duty to Remove Snow and Ice from Vehicles

Personal Injury

Matt Broughton was featured on Roanoke news station WSLS 10 about the dangers of snow and ice falling from vehicles and how Virginia’s negligence laws apply. Watch the Feature Here In the wintertime, weather advisories are often issued cautioning drivers to be extremely careful on roads and interstates. Snow and ice on these surfaces can result in extremely low friction between the tire and the pavement, often resulting in horrible crashes and sometimes involving serious bodily injury or death. Unfortunately, it is not only the snow and ice on the road surfaces that pose a substantial danger. Snow and ice […]

Airplane Crashes Article

Why Victims of Airplane Crashes Should Seek Guidance from a Licensed Pilot/Lawyer

Personal Injury

If You Are a Victim of a Plane Crash If you or a loved one are the victim of a plane crash, it is crucial that you know and understand the following information to improve your chances of obtaining a successful outcome and hold those responsible accountable for your losses. Potentially responsible parties are extremely challenging to identify. They may include the pilot, airplane owner, charter operator, fueler, mechanics, and manufacturers to name a few. Plane crashes often involve the most catastrophic polytrauma-type injuries – meaning they frequently involve brain injuries, loss of limbs, orthopedic injuries, tendon and muscle injuries, […]

Workers' Compensation and Negligence Cases Article

Workers’ Compensation and Negligence Cases

Personal Injury

Work-related injuries occur in an endless and variety of ways. In those instances where injuries happen when an employee is in the course of his/her employment and the accident arises out of a risk of that employment, workers’ compensation benefits should be available to the injured worker. If the actual injuries themselves were “caused” by a defective product or the negligence of a third party, then the injured employee can collect both workers’ compensation benefits and recover money damages against the third party at the same time. At first blush, Virginia law on this subject might seem like a double […]

Liability Before Viability Article

Liability Before Viability: Virginia’s Fetal Death Statute

Personal Injury

When an individual starts looking for a personal injury lawyer in Virginia, they are often doing so shortly after one of the worst days of their lives. This is doubly true when a parent is looking for legal advice after the death of a child. Virginia, like many states, has a cause of action for wrongful death.[1] This statutory cause of action allows for a personal representative of a deceased individual to bring suit on behalf of the deceased individual’s “statutory beneficiaries.” This statute did leave some questions, however, that were in need of interpretation. For instance, what if a fetus […]

Hurt at Work Article

Hurt At Work, Receiving Workers Compensation, Who Can I Sue?

Personal Injury

When you are injured at work, whether you can sue anyone depends on the identity of the person who caused your injury.  An experienced personal injury lawyer can give you advice which considers the circumstances of your case. 1. Who you CAN’T sue:   If your accident is covered under workers’ compensation, you are NOT permitted to sue your employer or any co-worker.  Your employer is responsible only for paying you a weekly benefit for wage loss and paying the cost of necessary medical treatment for your injury, both as provided in the Virginia Workers Compensation Act. 2. Why you should […]

Picture Perfect Article

Picture Perfect? How Innocent Social Media Posts Can Sabotage Your Personal Injury Claim

Personal Injury

There’s no doubt that social media has changed our daily lives – for the better and for the worse. We post important life updates, photos from joyous occasions, and even videos of the latest dance trend. Sure, when you’re only being “followed” by friends, family, and colleagues, these posts are relatively harmless. But when you’re pursuing personal injury attorneys in Virginia, you should think twice whether or not to hit that “Post” button. When you file a personal injury claim, you’re inviting the defendant or defendants to scour and scrutinize every post from that moment forward. As the plaintiff, you’re […]

How to Investigate Truck & Car Accidents Article

How to Investigate Truck/Car Accidents

Personal Injury

Article co-written by Matt Broughton and Investigator Danny Brabham Introduction A private investigator is an essential part of a Virginia personal injury attorney’s team. The private investigator and everyone involved in the investigation of a Virginia truck or car accident must have a “go team” mentality. When a crash occurs, every minute that passes allows for the opportunity for crucial information to disappear. Some of the information disappears simply by the weather conditions. For example, skid marks can be washed away or faded by the sun. Debris in the roadway will gradually move away from its initial location – either […]

How Much Do I Keep From My Settlement Article

How Much Do I Keep From My Settlement?

Personal Injury

Article co-written by Nicholas Beck, Paralegal Tara Barnett, and Paralegal Jan Dillon When your personal injury case (motor vehicle crash, medical malpractice, products liability, etc.) settles, you will receive a settlement statement that references the total settlement amount with line-item required payments: Attorney’s fees (a percentage of a recovered amount, agreed upon at the beginning of representation); costs associated with your case (filing fees, medical record fees, expert retainer fees, copying, mailing, etc.); and possible reimbursement to lien holders associated with your treatment. After fees, costs, and other payments are accounted for, the remainder becomes your net amount, which is […]

I Signed a Liability Form Article

I Signed a Liability Waiver Form and Then I Got Hurt – Now What?

Personal Injury

Most of us have signed liability waiver forms before participating in certain activities. We encounter these forms in various circumstances and more often where companies engage in dangerous or high-risk activities. The following industries are more likely to require customers/visitors to sign liability waiver forms prior to engaging in the offered activities: Musical performances/concerts Zoos Athletic events Amusement parks Health and fitness clubs Wall climbing entities Sporting events School field trips Trampoline parks Outdoor park activities/adventures Water parks A liability waiver form may also be referred to as a release, waiver, release agreement, or disclaimer, among other things. When you […]

Tractor Trailer Accidents Article

Tractor Trailer Accidents on I-81, I-95 and Other Interstates Involving Cars, Buses and Motorcycles

Personal Injury

Accidents caused by tractor trailer drivers and others involved in the transportation of goods on interstate highways is a growing concern. Despite the advancement of technology, such as Collision Avoidance Systems, onboard inward and forward-facing video cameras, and electronic driver records of duty status, crashes continue to occur at an alarming rate. Impact of a Tractor Trailer Collision The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has reported a growing number of deadly truck crashes. In fact, in 2021, there was a 13% increase in the number of deaths caused by tractor trailer crashes. In 2021 alone, there were over 5,600 […]

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