
medical malpractice

No Cap Article

No Cap, Your Damages Are Capped

medical malpractice

No cap[1]; in Virginia medical malpractice actions, your recovery is capped, regardless of the amount of damages you actually sustained. The items of damage that are recoverable depend on the nature of the injury sustained. If the patient suffered injury short of death, their damages can include items such as pain and suffering, humiliation and embarrassment, inconvenience, medical expenses, lost wages, etc.[2] If the injury resulted in death, the decedent’s statutory beneficiaries can recover damages including sorrow, mental anguish, loss of companionship, lost support from income, expenses for the care and treatment for the deceased patient, funeral expenses, etc.[3] Regardless […]

Picture Perfect Article

Picture Perfect? How Innocent Social Media Posts Can Sabotage Your Personal Injury Claim

medical malpractice

There’s no doubt that social media has changed our daily lives – for the better and for the worse. We post important life updates, photos from joyous occasions, and even videos of the latest dance trend. Sure, when you’re only being “followed” by friends, family, and colleagues, these posts are relatively harmless. But when you’re pursuing personal injury attorneys in Virginia, you should think twice whether or not to hit that “Post” button. When you file a personal injury claim, you’re inviting the defendant or defendants to scour and scrutinize every post from that moment forward. As the plaintiff, you’re […]

How Much Do I Keep From My Settlement Article

How Much Do I Keep From My Settlement?

medical malpractice

Article co-written by Nicholas Beck, Paralegal Tara Barnett, and Paralegal Jan Dillon When your personal injury case (motor vehicle crash, medical malpractice, products liability, etc.) settles, you will receive a settlement statement that references the total settlement amount with line-item required payments: Attorney’s fees (a percentage of a recovered amount, agreed upon at the beginning of representation); costs associated with your case (filing fees, medical record fees, expert retainer fees, copying, mailing, etc.); and possible reimbursement to lien holders associated with your treatment. After fees, costs, and other payments are accounted for, the remainder becomes your net amount, which is […]

The Virginia Birth Injury Fund Article

The Virginia Birth Injury Fund: A Story

medical malpractice

Cody’s chance to live a normal life ended at birth when a maternal infection went undiagnosed by doctors. His birth ushered in the beginning of a crushing legal and medical battle for his parents to get the assistance he was owed.  The family initially sought relief from the Virginia Birth Injury Fund (VBIF) — a no-fault insurance system that is supposed to cover expenses for victims of birth-related injury in Virginia. The General Assembly created the program in 1987 as a tort-reduction effort designed to keep malpractice lawsuits out of courts and cap awards for plaintiffs. The fund pays claimants […]

Do I Have a Successful Med Mal Case Article

Do You Have a Potentially Successful Medical Malpractice Case?

medical malpractice

So you think you have been the subject of medical malpractice? How do you know if this could be a potentially successful case?  First, you must make sure that your statute of limitations has not run.  Generally, Virginia gives two years from the date of the incident to file a medical malpractice case.  There are certain exceptions to this rule, but generally, the two-year rule is the one to follow.  For example, if a doctor operates on the wrong leg, then most probably your statute would run two years from the date of the surgery on the wrong extremity.  Two […]

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Lawyers Team Up for Best Result

medical malpractice

Gentry Locke has a long history of associating with other attorneys. Don’t be surprised if/when you call the attorney that represented you in traffic court, drafted your will, or represents your business suggests that he associate Gentry Locke. Over the years, our firm has worked with other law firms who don’t typically handle personal injury cases. Gentry Locke has always associated with other lawyers and law firms in Virginia to give the highest level of service. We often partner with other lawyers in cases involving brain injuries, car accidents, catastrophic injuries, distracted driving accidents, medical malpractice, motorcycle accidents, nursing home […]

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Do I Need an Autopsy for a Medical Malpractice/Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

medical malpractice

Our firm is often asked whether it is necessary to have an autopsy performed on your family member if he or she passes away, and you suspect that medical malpractice was the cause of your loved one’s death. The short answer is, that it is not a legal requirement in Virginia; however, wrongful death attorneys will agree that it is highly recommended. A wrongful death claim based upon medical malpractice is a claim that is brought when a family member dies as a result of the negligence of a healthcare provider. To have a meritorious medical malpractice action in Virginia, […]

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The Anatomy of a Virginia Medical Malpractice Claim: Proving Your Case

medical malpractice

Medical Malpractice attorneys, or “med mal” attorneys, help distinguish whether a cause of action is specifically due to Medical Malpractice or whether the action be considered general negligence. The difference matters. This is because, for better or worse, Virginia law imposes numerous restrictions, limitations, and prerequisites to maintaining a medical malpractice action that are not present in other personal injury actions. Failure to comply with some of these requirements can be fatal to your case. For example, if a plaintiff fails to comply with the myriad of requirements to bring a medical malpractice action, including the requirement for, the case […]

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